As women, our life is one long love affair with our glorious hormones. And with the onset of menopause, preceded by peri menopause, yoga can be the supportive friend you need.
There is a plethora of tools and support on the market these days to support women through this transition, but if you aim to be more holistic, then yoga is your tool.
How can yoga help with menopause symptons?
Here are 4 reasons that Yoga will aid you to transition peacefully and happily.
There is no denying that menopause is stressful. The mood swings, fuzzy mind, uncomfortable body and lack of sleep are all highly stessful. Yoga, lowers the blood pressure, deepens your breath and calms your mind, so is invaluable to your stress levels.
The lower your stress levels, the better you will sleep, and there in starts the glorious circle of peace.
The brain fog is real ladies. I have spent an entire day trying to send the most basic of emails. A friend of mine spent six weeks kicking a piece of pasta around her kitchen floor, before she had the notion to pick it up and bin it. Another dear friend spent an entire morning trying to change the batteries in the remote control.
It is not that you are unable to do these mundane tasks, it is the distraction! Completely forgetting what task you were on and then remembering and going back to it, whilst then getting distracted by something else! Frustrating and mind blowing. I literally thought I was going mad, my mind was no longer my own!
. I literally thought I was going mad, my mind was no longer my own!
Jo Yoga
Step in the wonder of Yoga, for giving us that moment of clarity. The clarity, may only be fleeting, but it is there and it is enough to remind you that you do have a brain. You have a strong will, and with a little mindfulness, you can feel whole again.
I like to think I am elegant and glide out of bed in the morning like Snow White. The reality – I look like Mrs Overall from ‘Acorn Actiques’ (google her). The ankles don’t, work the hips are cranky and everything is seized.
Thankfully, yoga eases aches and pains and with a little TLC and gentle movement, the body will flow once more.
Move slowly and with breath. Allow the joints to slowly loosen and the aches and pains will soon disappear – a little š.
By reducing adrenaline and cortisol in the body, the brain is stimulated to create seratonin. Leading to a beautiful hormonal balance and leaving you with an overall feeling of greater well-being and happiness.
In particular, poses such as shoulder stand, cobra and camel are great for this. Plus any kind of Kapalbhatibreath/breath of fire and Ujjayi breath will help.
Below is a You Tube video in which I share 3 highly powerful breath practices to support you.
Yoga and meditation will always be my go to and they can support you too as we navigate the menopause. Remember beautiful sister, you are not alone and life is a journey. Reach out at any time as it is always good to know that we are in this together.
I am an Actress, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Childrenās Yoga Teacher and Mama. As the founder of the Train Children in Mindfulness course, I empower parents, teachers and any care giver to share mindfulness with children and teenagers.
My passion is ensuring that women are able to practice their self-care and enjoy their spiritual journey. My You Tube Channel provides masses of guidance and classes.
Enjoy my signature online courseĀ The Divine Goddess Yoga Program. ThisĀ enables women all over the world to make quick transformational changes to their life.
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