Supporting your child’s mental health is not something to be scared or worried about.
Yes, currently children are experiencing a really challenging and tough time. With social media, more screen time, school pressure and an added pandemic, things are difficult. Children are suffering, but so are you.
This is a difficult time for everyone, but supporting your child’s mental health is a little easier than you may think, but you will have to look at your own mental health too.
The main key to good mental health is mindfulness.
Here are 3 ways you can support your child’s mental health with mindfulness at this time.
It is vital to lead by example. If your child sees you cracking up, they will panic and worry and feel fear. You need to be as solid as an oak tree in their eyes. It is ok to feel a little unsteady at times and show your vulnerable side. However practice your own mindfulness and let them see you doing it.
If you require support in your meditation practice then I advise you to join Kundalini Connections. An accessible online space enabling you to meditate or take a yoga class at any time that suits you.
Do not be afraid to have the difficult conversations. Equally if your child does not want to speak that is ok too. It is up to you to remain accessible and approachable. Constantly remind them that you are there for their best interests. Not to judge them or tell them how to live, but to support encourage and guide.
Constant criticism or judgements will chip away at their self esteem. They will eventually close up and, perhaps, when they need you most not be able to come to you. Be their support, their Oak tree. Let them know that you are a safe space and alwasy there with comfort, wise words and a hug.
Have a daily ritual that involves gratitude. Remind your child that there is good in the world. Even on days when it all feels shitty, they still get to sleep in a comfy bed, or listen to their fave music.
Have a little routine, perhaps it is at the evening mealtime, or just before lights out at the end of the day. The whole family share one or two things that was good that day and that they are grateful for.
These small practices improve the bond and the openness, which in turn will ensure you are keeping lines of communication open.
Ok, easier said than done. Meditation, for children is slightly different to adults. Therefore use mantra. It is a much more powerful and efficient tool when used for meditation with children.
In The Mindfulness for Children Project is a digital course to provide you with all of the tools and techniques to easily teach meditation and mindfulness to children.
You receive training videos into the science of mindfulness, different techniques for different ages, a full yoga kriya to ensure you are cared for and a fully downloadable colour manual plus relaxations scripts. All accessible at this link.
I am Jo Moules AKA Jo Yoga and I am passionate about sharing Yoga Lifestyle tools easily and effectively.
Are you interested in sharing Yoga with children?
I am passionate about ensuring that this knowledge is shared far & wide and I wish I had known about Yoga & Mediation when I was teenager.
The Mindfulness for Children Project is a digital course for parents, teachers and all humans wishing to introduce mindfulness to their children. You receive a full downloadable manual explaining the science of mindfulness, exercises and practices to share with children across all Key stages. Plus a Yoga session to ensure that you are cared for too. Visit here to day to find out more.