This August use the time and momentum of summer to learn how to put your own yoga, meditation and spirituality first in this guided, supported program. 
Feeling a bit overwhelmed, unsure or don't know where to start - the Summer Sanctuary will be your place to put yourself first and support you in making small but important changes to your lifestyle.
This is the place for you to transform and never look back. 




make small changes that will have a knock on effect throughout the rest of the year


Be more present and calm throughout the day


Easily find time for yourself during a busy day - even when children are off school

Imagine if you could...

Anyone wanting yoga for fitness - this is a spiritual movement

Women who want a 'quick fix' without committing to the short meditations

Advanced yogis who desire challenging classes and asanas

Women wanting full hour long yoga classes 

who it's not for

A woman wanting to deepen her experience of yoga and meditation

Open hearted fun loving women, who are not taking life too seriously

A modern busy woman, looking to find more time for herself

Women who are growing into their spirituality

who it's for

Daily prompts and printables for you to complete to keep your self in the process and enjoy the transformation. These can vary from small 3 minute breathing to a bubble bath - all of them are interchangable and luxurious.

A 5 day live from 5th - 9th August when we shall meet together daily for 20-30 minutes and practice together - plus a celebratory digital meet up on Friday 30th August to round up our month together. 

A full month of support and movement to begin to integrate yoga, meditation and self care into your daily life - these are small incremental practices that can be added into your daily life.

what's included

Kelly McKain, Soul

I absolutely love Jo Yoga - Jo's kind and encouraging presence is very holding and I love the different themes of the classes, which really build into a life-changing practie on every level - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Thanks Jo for sharing your light and bringing your magic to my mat!

Clare G

Since the age of 7,  [my daughter ] has attended Jo's weekly classes; benefiting hugely from both the mental and physical elements of yoga.
Jo is a fantastic inspirer and role model, using her influence mindfully as she gently and expertly guides her young yogis.

rRauceby Primary School

Thank you for coming to our school and teaching us some yoga, it was a new experience for most of us. Our favourite part was the meditating because it helped us to reflect and relax. Forming a well-balanced ‘tree’ proved to be quite challenging, but still extremely enjoyable. We loved every moment of the session and it would be brilliant if you could come again to teach us all some more yoga moves. Many thanks.


step one

The beautiful printables you receive will give you guidance and small incremental practices to inorporate into your day encouraging this new yogic and calm you.

Daily overview & practices


step two

On the 1st, 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th  August we will be gathering live at 8am each morning for 20-30 minutes to practice a live yoga and meditation together.  Start your day the right way and this will inspire you moving on through the month.

Joyful Live's


step three

This isn't about adding to your to do list, especially during the summer holidays when you are with family and perhaps feel busier than ever, but this about making small changes to enable you to feel calm and relaxed and take these tools forward.

Relax, enjoy and feel the transformation


This sounds perfect for me, I'm in!

Have questions?

I'm a busy Mum, how do I now bring this into my life when the children are off school?

I'm a busy Mum, how do I now bring this into my life when the children are off school?

These are designed to be small practices that you can use to enhance your mental well being, all within the time that your want to spend with your children. There will be days when you won't get to squeeze something in, and that is fine.  Your mindset will be changing anyway - and that is enough.

When are the live sessions and what if I can't make them?

When are the live sessions and what if I can't make them?.

Lives will be 1st, 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th August at 8am GMT. All lives will be recorded and emailed straight to you so you can do them at your leisure.

Do I have to be experienced at yoga or meditation to join the Summer Sanctuary?

Do I have to be experienced at yoga or meditation to join the Summer Sanctuary?

No. This is for everyone. Whether you are an absolute beginner, or someone who just wants to reconnect to yoga and meditation, you will love this. The benefits of what is taken away are simply stunning, so get yourself in the Summer Sanctuary, regardless of experience.

Is it all Kundalini Yoga?

Is it all Kundalini Yoga?

No. I am a teacher who takes inspiration from all traditions and styles, therefore throughout the month you will get to try out different types and styles of yoga and meditation. Some will resonate deeply with you, others not so much, but this is about learning, making changes and seeing what works for you - all will make you feel good - fact.



The whole month is only

the investment

More info

Work 1:1 with me in a unique and bespoke coaching container to empower you to move through blocks and make big changes.
I will be your no.1 cheerleader and guide you through 3 months of transformation to enable you to release old patterns, learn to meditate and move and be your extoardinarily beautiful self

The Full Life Principle

Find peace, ease and a new sense of calm for only £44

A month long transformation community